This week wasn't defined by one big moment, but we do have several small things to report.
First of all, on Monday we went to see the movie The Secret Life of Arriety. It's an animated feature based on the the book The Borrowers. We all enjoyed it, but Alex and I loved it. I thought the artistic nature of it was really neat and some of the outdoor settings were just beautiful. I also loved the music. I can highly recommend it.
We had some somewhat sad news about McKay. Last July he had a rod put in his back to fix his scoliosis. Well, he has grown so much over the past few months that on Wednesday the back surgeon said that McKay will have to have the rod extended, which means another major surgery. Goodness! He managed the first one very well, so hopefully this one will go okay, also. It isn't scheduled until the end of April, but we might move it up.
Let's see. Abby is enjoying her Quidditch club at school. It sounds like they all have a great time riding (or running) around on their brooms and throwing Quaffles and such. Awesome!
And I guess our biggest news is that the design of the floorplan of the house we are going to build is done! It has been a long process but I think we will have a neat house that will be perfect for all of us... especially Alex and McKay. I am excited for the digging to start.
Have a great week, everyone!
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