Friday, February 10, 2012

A very exciting post. Wahoo.

Hi. It's my turn to blog this week.

And at the moment, there are two things on my mind.

First, the delicious cookies my wonderful mom made. I just ate four or five of them. They're so good. They're like normal chocolate chip cookies, except better, because you put pudding in the mix so they're super soft and chewy and delicious. Ahhhh...
We also had some yummy potato soup for dinner this week. It was really quite good. You sprinkle cheese and bacon in it, which automatically makes it great.

Second. Remember how I went to Harry Potter Land? (I know, I still can't quite get over it.) Yeah, so all those kids I went to Harry Potter Land with decided to start a Quidditch team at our school. (Those of you familiar with Harry Potter will know that Quidditch is the magical sport they play in the air on broomsticks.) We play a version that's really quite like in the books, except we're on the ground. It worked out well because I go to a charter school, and the majority of us are kinda nerdy, so we didn't have a problem forming a team. I just got back from Quidditch practice for today, and it was great.

Well. I feel like this was a pretty lame post. Let's fix that.

There. Lame no longer.

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